American Institutions~Enhancing the learning Wheel!

I decided to take this political science class because in the Summer of 2012 I had taken a Social Health and Diversity (HLTH 1110) class to fulfill my interdisciplinary requirements as well as diversity. The topics that we discussed in depth were primarily focused on minority groups. It sparked my interest greately to want to learn more about our Constitution, namely the history involving slavery and the freedoms sought by so many to be free, to vote and to have a say in American History. I wanted to learn more about women's suffrage and the fight for women to have a place not just in government but in history as well. I related more passionately to the discussions we had such as Seneca Falls because of the connections made with women as a minority group and can feel how hard we fight even today to maintain our place in society.

When we covered Chapter 6~Civil Rights and Liberty again I am so proud today to be able to have a President who is African American. I believe the fight and the horrible experiences throughout history of lynchings, segregation, hate have really had an impression on our world today. As we covered  how discrimination went on by our own government and FHA
and that the African American population was forced into specific areas in Social Health and diversity we also learned the history and the fight to change this in our Bill of rights and Civil Liberties. I really like talking about the founding fathers and learning which Presidents had an impact on equality for all Americans. I believe as Americans we all need to stand up against bullying, hate, discrimination and the mistreatment of anyone who does not fit the "expected" mold.

I believe we still have to work everyday to grow in this country to teach less hate, to help minorities and come up with better solutions. I believe both of these General Education classes have helped me to gain solid footing in the understanding of our Constitution and the battle that minorities in this country have had to endure. I will continue to vote for and support people in office who exhibit the rights of all minorities and the fight for America to be great. The photo at the top of this page was on display in the Chicago Airport when I was returning from Georgia this summer. I took it as a reminder that I will always support equal rights and treatment for all people regardless of color, sexual preference, religion or nationality. I will work hard to change the old paradigms and bring new life to the meaning "of Liberty and Justice for All"


Below you will find the quantitative literacy paper & worksheet  to describe the importance of being able to understand and calculate basic percentages. This is a great tool and you may learn something! This opinion paper and worksheet is found at the left of the page, just click the widget to view.

 The photo here is taken from a Martin Luther King Memorial display, I believe he was an amazing man and left this world far too soon. He would be so proud of all we have learned and that yet to come.

My persuasive essay is on the right, I support the right to bear arms in this country. I do believe that there are ways that are needed and required to make this world a safer place for our families and children. I hope regardless of your view you will give it a read.
QL paper.docx QL paper.docx
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JessicaV QL Worksheet.doc JessicaV QL Worksheet.doc
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“A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.”

~George Washington

Persuasive Essay Final Draft.docx.doc Persuasive Essay Final Draft.docx.doc
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